Vincent Archambault

Associate Professor

Contact Information

Institut de recherche en Immunologie et en Cancérologie
Université de Montréal
Pavillon Marcelle-Coutu, room 2306-7
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec)
H3C 3J7


P 514 343-6111 ext. 15795
F 514 343-6843


Cell cycle mechanisms in Drosophila
We wish to understand the molecular networks that mediate and regulate the cell division cycle. The fly is a versatile model that allows us to combine biochemistry with genetics, molecular biology and microscopy, and to study the cell cycle in the context of the various tissues of a metazoan organism, and in its cell lines in culture. The knowledge generated by our research can constitute a foundation for a better understanding of diseases such as cancer.