Martine Raymond


Contact Information

Institut de Recherche en Immunologie et Cancérologie
Université de Montréal
Pavillon Marcelle-Coutu, bureau 3306-17
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec)
H3C 3J7


P 514 343-6746
F 514 343-6843


  • Yeast Molecular Biology
  • Genetics and Functional Genomics
  • Multidrug Resistance
  • Cellular Target and Antifungal Drug Discovery

Our research focuses on the molecular biology of Candida albicans, an opportunistic yeast that causes systemic or mucosal infections in immunocompromised individuals (such as HIV patients, patients undergoing chemotherapy or organ transplant).  Our laboratory uses genetic, genomic and molecular biology approaches to understand the mechanisms responsible for C. albicans multidrug resistance and virulence.  In particular, we are interested in understanding the function of multidrug transporters of the ATP-binding cassette family which export antifungal drugs out of the cells.  Using functional genomics (DNA microarrays), we work at identifying the transcriptional networks controlling multidrug resistance and virulence in C. albicans.  Finally, our laboratory is part of a CIHR multidisciplinary team on fungal pathogenesis grouping several Montreal-based researchers whose objective is to discover new C. albicans target proteins or small non-coding RNAs for antifungal drug development.


  • Znaidi, S., Weber, S. Zin Al-Abdin, O., Bomme, P., Saidane, S., Drouin, S., Lemieux, S., De Deken, X., Robert, F. and Raymond, M.  2008.  Genome-wide location analysis of Candida albicans Upc2p, a regulator of sterol metabolism and azole drug resistance.  Eukaryotic Cell. 7:836-847.
  • Liu, T.T., Znaidi, S., Barker, K.S., Xu, L., Homayouni, R., Saidane, S., Morschhäuser, J., Nantel, A., Raymond, M., and Rogers, P.D.  2007.  Genome-wide expression and location analyses of the Candida albicans Tac1p regulon.  Eukaryotic Cell. 6:2122-2138.
  • Znaidi, S., De Deken, X., Weber, S., Rigby, T., Nantel, A. and Raymond, M.  2007.  The zinc finger transcription factor Tac1p regulates PDR16 expression in Candida albicans.  Mol. Microbiol. 66:440-452.
  • Saidane, S., Weber, S., De Deken, X., St-Germain, G., and Raymond, M.  2006.  PDR16-mediated clinical azole resistance in Candida albicans.Mol. Microbiol. 60:1546-1562.
  • Gauthier, C., Weber, S., Alarco, A.-M., Alqawi, O., Daoud, R., Georges, E. and Raymond, M. 2003. Functional similarities and differences between the Candida albicans Cdr1p and Cdr2p transporters.  Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 47:1543-1554.