Accredited Professor
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ThemesPreeclampsia animal models and impact of exercise training
Adipose renin-angiotensin system and obesity and obesity-related disease
- Lavoie, J.L., Liu, X., Bianco, R.A., Beltz, T.G., Johnson, A.K. and Sigmund, C.D. Evidence supporting a functional role for intracellular renin in the brain. Hypertension 47(3):461-6, 2006.
- Lavoie, J.L. Normal circulating renin-angiotensin system but hypertensive: are the local systems the culprit? Hypertension Canada 89:4-8, 2006.
- Lavoie, J.L. Pression artérielle chez la souris avec un nouveau transmetteur miniaturisé. S.T.A.L. 31(3/4):1-3, 2006.
- Lazartigues, E., Feng, Y. and Lavoie, J.L. The two fACEs of the tissue renin-angiotensin systems: implication in cardiovascular diseases. Current Pharmaceutical Design 13(12):1231-45, 2007.
- Falcao, S., *Bisotto, S., Gutkowska, J., and Lavoie, J.L. Hyperhomocysteinemia is not sufficient to cause preeclampsia in an animal model: the importance of folate intake. Am. J. Obst. Gynecol. 200(2):198.e1-5, 2009.
- Falcao, S., Solomon, C., Monat, C., *Bérubé, J., Gutkowska, J. and Lavoie, J.L. Impact of diet and stress on the development of preeclampsia-like symptoms in p57kip2 mice. Am. J. Physiol. (Heart and Circ. Physiol.) 296(1):H119-26, 2009.
- Falcao, S., Stoyanova, E., Cloutier, G., Maurice, R.L. Gutkowska, J. and Lavoie, J.L. Mice overexpressing both human angiotensinogen and human renin as a model of Superimposed preeclampsia on Chronic Hypertension. Hypertension 54(6):1401-7, 2009.
- Falcao, S., *Bisotto, S., *Michel, C., Lacasse, A.-A., Vaillancourt, C., Gutkowska, J. and Lavoie, J.L. Exercise training can reduce PE-like symptoms in an animal model. J. of Hypertension 28(12):2446-2453, 2010.
- Lavoie, J.L. and Gutkowska, J. Can exercise prevent preeclampsia?: author’s reply. J. of Hypertension. 29(7):1465, 2011.
- Ahmed, B.A. Seda, O. and Lavoie, J.L. (Pro)Renin receptor as a new drug target. Curr. Pharm. Des. 17(33): 3611-21, 2011.